Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää x
// It's my home country's independence day today and I'm going to take it easy. Haha I feel like every time I'm writing my posts I'm taking it easy, but I haven't got time to do posts while I'm busy either! I went to the gym this morning though but I think that is the only proper thing I'm going to do today. Well I should go and get some food somewhere. Almost every place is closed due to this day so I don't have that many options haha x)
Happy independence day to all the Finns x
Ihania kuvia Nora! Oot upea x
VastaaPoistaKiitos :-) x
PoistaTosi ihania kuvia sulla taas :)
VastaaPoistaKiitos ihana :-)
PoistaHei, ajattelin sulta kysyä kun oon käsittänyt että oot tilaillu river islandilta. Miten se tilaus menee et miten on postikulut, pystyykö paauttamaan jne? :-) Kiitos paljon jo etukäteen.