torstai 3. heinäkuuta 2014

Festival inspiration ft. Nella Törnroos

Ajateltiin tehdä ihanan Nellan kanssa tälläinen ns. yhteispostaus. Eli itse omasta puolestani pistän tänne blogiin asujen puolesta kuvia ja Nella tekee hieman festareihin sopivista meikeistä ja kampauksesta omaan YouTube -kanavaan juttua.

Eli teen hieman erinlaisen postauksen tällä kertaa. Otin Asoksen ja River Islandin sivuilta erinlaisia vaatteita ja asusteita jotka omasta mielestäni olisivat kivan näköiset festareilla. Eli tietenkin tämä postaus on enimmäkseen inspiroivaa sillä eihän noita ehdi enää esim. tämän viikon festareille tilata! 

// Me and lovely Nella decided to do this work together about festivals. I will do a post about clothes etc. and Nella will do a video of makeup and hair that suits for festivals on her YouTube channel.

So this post is a little different this time. I took different kinds of clothes and accessories from Asos and River Island that would be perfect for festivals. So this post is more ''inspiring'' of course because there isn't time to order clothes for this weeks festivals of course!

Right now I'm so in love with these kind of tops. Something with prints on it or lace. Not to mention typical festival t-shirts. You know those 'boyfriend t-shirts'? They are one of my favorites. Simplicity at it's finest.

I would absolutely wear a pair of printed shorts to festivals but unfortunately I don't own anything like these at the moment. But these are my absolute favorites from Asos. Oh god why can't I have these?!

The one on the left is a perfect ready-to-wear festival outfit. I love kimonos and long cardigans with cut off shorts and pair of boots.

Okay well. . . You CAN'T go wrong with boots or platforms. Not just at festivals but in every day life. My favorite boots are Dr. Martens for sure! And (if I would own) those platforms I would definitely wear those to festivals. No question about it.

I thinks these little bags and this gorgeous backpack would complete the whole look. I love the fluffy one and I actually have it in that same color but not quite sure if I want to take it with me. I'm afraid it can't handle the festival life haha.

Last but not least -- the accessories !! 
I would definitely wear all of these (well not maybe at the same time) to festivals. All the pearls, lace bracelets, bohemian bracelets and those sort of rusty bracelets. Mwwaah just perfect. And not to mention a lot of rings. I think the more rings at festivals the better.

I also love if somebody is wearing many simple necklaces at the same time or one statement necklace and maybe one simple one on top of it. I think it gives that type of bohemian look.

 Enjoy your festivals!

Tässä olisi linkki Nellan videoon, jossa hän näyttää festareille sopivia kikkoja! Toivottavasti näistä minun sekä Nellan vinkeistä ja inspiraatioista on apua teille.

// Don't forget to look Nella's video about festival tips for hair and makeup! I hope you find these tips helpful. Both mine and Nella's.


6 kommenttia:

  1. Sanotaanko sua "nora" vai "noora"?:)

    1. Noraksi kuuluisi sanoa, mutta Noorakin menee ihan haha!

  2. Tunnetko kerttu rissasen?:) Mistä?

    1. en tunne häntä, hän on kaverini kaveri :)

  3. Oletko töissä jossain?

