// I think the headline tells it all. I haven't found any inspiration from anywhere for the past few weeks and you can tell it from the fact that I haven't been posting anything for the past few days. And I've also been a bit busy! Today I decided to make a video of my outfit (unfortunately in certain parts of the video the image shakes a bit and it's blurry in one spot. I noticed them after we had finished recording. So sorry about those!).
lauantai 7. kesäkuuta 2014
Craving for inspiration
Mielestäni otsikko kertookin jo aika paljon. En ole löytänyt oikein mistään vähään aikaan inspistä ja sen on huomannut vähäisestä postaamisvauhdista. Ja on ollut muutenkin aikas kiireistä tällä viikolla! Tänään ajattelin videoida päivän asun (valitettavasti tietyissä kohdissa kameran kuva tärisee ihmeellisesti ja joissakin kohdissa näkyy vaalea epätarkka läntti, jonka huomasin vasta videoita muokatessa. Suurimmat pahoittelut niistä!).
// I think the headline tells it all. I haven't found any inspiration from anywhere for the past few weeks and you can tell it from the fact that I haven't been posting anything for the past few days. And I've also been a bit busy! Today I decided to make a video of my outfit (unfortunately in certain parts of the video the image shakes a bit and it's blurry in one spot. I noticed them after we had finished recording. So sorry about those!).
// I think the headline tells it all. I haven't found any inspiration from anywhere for the past few weeks and you can tell it from the fact that I haven't been posting anything for the past few days. And I've also been a bit busy! Today I decided to make a video of my outfit (unfortunately in certain parts of the video the image shakes a bit and it's blurry in one spot. I noticed them after we had finished recording. So sorry about those!).
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Wau, toi hame on niin mahtava!! <3
VastaaPoistajep niin on xx
PoistaEi mitenkään postaukseen liittyen, mutta ootko jo autokoulussa ja millasen auton meinaat hankkia?:>
VastaaPoistaen oo vielä, kun oma isä opettaa :) Ja mulla on jo oma auto; Citroen C2
PoistaPostaus lempparibiisit atm!:)
PoistaToi hame on ihana ! mistä se on :)?
VastaaPoistaZara :)
PoistaMillä ohjelmalla teet nää sun videot? :-)
VastaaPoistaIhan Macin omalla iMoviella :)